Right slide to check how the Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA] Share Price is trading
Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA] Share Price is currently trading at $13.00 as on 12 sep 2022.
Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA]
Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA] Share Price is currentlydown by 1.89% as on 12 sep 2022 after a continue rally of 5-6 days.
Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA]
Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA] Share closing Price was $11.21 on 30 Aug 2022
Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA]
IN the last quarter, Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA] gains an improvement of 36.60% with sales of 17.89 billion.
Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA]
The company’s stock is currently at the first support level is 12.74 points, and 12.23 for the second support level.
Akoya Biosciences Inc. [AKYA]
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